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Light Font-astic

Fonts dramatically change the appearance of a web site.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is each computer must have that font loaded in it to display a page using a particular font - in other words, not every computer will see a webpage in the way your computer sees it.

There are some fonts that are commonly available on all variations of Windows, Mac and other operating systems and we have listed them below.

We feel it is important to not only choose the right font for your site but also just as important to choose secondary 'back-up' fonts.  We normally list six fonts in order of preference, which will include fonts commonly available to all computers.

It sounds worrying but it isn’t.  Let our experience guide you through the vagaries of which fonts are most likely to work and together we will create a site that will be a boon to your club / group or business.

These first examples of different fonts are those that come pre-installed on computers using Windows operating systems so are common to most computers.  We therefore consider these to be 'safe', but there are no guarantees.

You may notice some appear larger than others - choose a font that suits your website but bear in mind if it needs to be made smaller or larger, on computers without that font installed, the default font will then appear larger or smaller than normal.

Fonts such as Arial and Verdana are particularly favoured by people with reading problems, such as dislexia.  Others, such as Times New Roman, are harder to read.

Common Fonts, available on most computers:

This is written in ARIAL
This is written in Estrangelo Edessa
This is written in Franklin Gothic Medium
This is written in Guatami
This is written in Georgia
This is written in Impact
This is written in Mangal
This is written in Modern
This is written in Palatino Linotype
This is written in Raavi
This is written in Roman
This is written in Script
This is written in Sylfaen
This is written in Trebuchet MS Bold
This is written in TAHOMA
This is written in VERDANA
This is written in Vrinda

Not quite so common, but still widely available:

This is written in ALGERIAN   - (it is always in capitals)
This is written in BRUSH SCRIPT MT
This is written in CASTELLAR   - (it is always in capitals)
This is written in COLONNA MT
This is written in COMIC SANS MS
This is written in COURIER NEW
This is written in CURLZ MT
This is written in DANCE
This is written in DATA
This is written in EUROSTILE
This is written in FORTE
This is written in HARRINGTON
This is written in HELVETICA
This is written in INFORMAL ROMAN
This is written in JOKERMAN
This is written in LOVE
This is written in LUCIDA CALLIGRAPHY
This is written in OLD ENGLISH TEXT MT
This is written in PETRA
This is written in ROCKWELL
This is written in SANS-SERIF

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This page was last updated on 23rd April 2011.

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